The church was founded by Pastor Erustus Murambakania Museve and his wife Sarah for the salvation of the dying lost souls in Kenya.

Pastor Erustus and Pastor Sarah
Pastor Erustus was called into full time ministry in 2007 and the Lord led him to plant a church in a muslim region. That is when they started the church. They started off with only Pastor Erustus and Pastor Sarah and their two small daughters at the time, meeting in a small rental house. The Lord has blessed the church and the members are now over 100 in all.
They have four little girls
The new church before it was painted. This is a temporal structure.
Pastors Erustus and Sarah and family with members of the church.
Pastor Erustus laying hands on and praying over church members.
Pastor Erustus with Pastors Wycliffe and his wife Violet in front of the church that was planted in Uganda.
Pastor has planted two churches in Kenya also.
Pastor Erustus interpreting for Sister Marrie Setterby.
Colletta with her son Delvins and Pastor Erustus.
A Pastor’s heart is love. This little boy has been sick from an abnormal head disease. Pastor loves him and prays for him and helps when he can with medical bills or other needs. Colletta’s husband left her when she had Delvins. He abandoned her and his 4 children.
Pastor Erustus also runs Webuye Falls Faith Junior School, which supports the Education for Orphans and other needy children which are now about 80 kids. Webuye is his home town .
His ministry helps these children with food; School children eating red beans and rice for lunch.
Two dedicated teachers: Pastor Geoffrey and Ms. Violet
The Lord answered prayers through donations and they were able to buy a plot of land and build a temporary structure for the church there.
Pastor Erustus and his family: Pastor Sarah holding baby Shirley, and in the front starting on the left: Happy, Gift and Faith standing outside the painted church.
Water baptisms.
Members of the Ugandan church with tracts in their hands, that they are very happy to receive.
Pastor Erustus visiting widow Elizabeth and her two children.
Her roof is leaking and the house is about to cave in. She is surrounded by muslims and does not receive help because of her Christian faith. By the grace of God Pastor is believing to be able to build her a new home.
Pastor pictured here with some of the orphans and students of the school.
School children having something to drink at lunchtime.
The ministry helps with shoes , uniforms , clothes , stationery, medicine and salaries for teachers and other workers. They were able last year 2014 to buy ½ a Hectare of land on which they are praying for God to help them construct and build the school classrooms, office, kitchen, toilets, store etc. At the moment they are using a rental building to hold school. Pastor also has a vision to buy more land near the church and establish another Orphanage to assist many helpless children in this Muslim land to get education and have technical skill capacity building schemes e.g Tailoring , carpentry , masonry , computer trainings etc. to help the children in this land and the poor in this area.
Graduation day.
Please pray and believe with us for God to provide:
- New or old Bibles, Gospel Tracts, Christian Books and materials, children Christian materials and Bibles.
- To build a school at our newly bought school land.
- To build a permanent church at our our church Land in Mumias with a church office, care takers house and dig a water well.
- School supplies for the school: Food, Uniforms ,Shoes, Clothes ,Medicine, stationery, paying Teachers and other workers salaries and paying the monthly rent for the school building.
- Support for Evangelism, mission trips, Conference meetings and church planting programs, Pastors and other ministers.
- Buy Land next to our church here in Mumias town and build an Orphanage.
- Help in Widows and Orphans programs in our Churches.
- A car for transportation as we do ministry work.